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FNMGYMs team of accredited exercise physiologist support people with a disability in the Moreton Bay region. Whether you are looking to improve your overall physical and emotional health and wellbeing or recovering from surgery our exercise physiology team is here to help.
If your condition, injury or disability is holding you back from exercising, playing sport, work or just in everyday life you might benefit from seeing an exercise physiologist. We will develop tailored evidence-based exercise programs for ANY age, ANY condition and ANY disability to address your specific goals.
We will work with you, in the gym or at home, providing individualised exercise to help you reach your potential.
FNMGYM offers in clinic and mobile exercise physiology, support coordination and social and community participation supports. We are based in Moreton Bay.
We are an independent provider of NDIS supports and therefore have a fresh and innovative outlook on the provision of supports.
We are professional and ethical in all our dealings and will work with participants to get the most from their NDIS plans.
We are transparent in all our dealing with our participants and allow the participant choice and control over their supports offering them greater independence.
An exercise physiologist is a healthcare professional who specialises in understanding how the body responds to exercise and physical activity. They help individuals with a wide range of health and fitness-related goals, so you can be more independent and participate in activities of interest at home and in the community.
An accredited exercise physiologist can help by assessing your current level of function and design customized exercise programs tailored to your specific needs and goals.
Exercise Physiology services can be arranged through two NDIS capacity building funding categories.
1. Health and Wellbeing (12)
2. Improved Daily Living (15)
In addition, you can access an Allied Health Assistant from your Improved Daily Living (15) funding.
To find out more about accessing our Exercise Physiology or Allied Health Assistant supports, contact us.
Support Coordination is a NDIS capacity building support to assist participants in implementing and managing their NDIS plans.
Our support coordinators will work with you to coordinate your services and help you use your funding to achieve your goals.
We will assist you to build the skills you need to understand, implement, and use your plan. Your support coordinator will work with you to ensure a mix of community, mainstream and formal supports are used to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks, live more independently, and be included in your community.
Having a support coordinator can help to make it easier to connect with providers and the local community to help achieve your goals.
Support coordination is a stated capacity building support.
1. Support coordination (07)
To find out more about accessing our Support Coordination service, contact us.
As a participant – is one of your goals to find and participate in social activities?
This support category focuses on helping individuals with disabilities engage in social and community activities, promoting social inclusion, and enhancing your overall well-being.
We work with you to build life skills around social and community participation to support you in becoming active and engaged in your community.
To find out more about accessing our Social and community participation service, contact us.
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